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Ravago Petrokimya provides a superior distribution, resale, compounding and recycling service for plastic raw materials serving sophisticated functions that improve the sustainable quality of our life.

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Ravago Petrokimya

Ravago, started production activities in Turkey in 2001. In 2013 Ravago merged all of its established and acquired local plastic raw material production companies under Ravago Petrokimya Üretim A.Ş (RPU).

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Ravago Petrokimya Uretim’s way of Innovation is transforming an idea into a product, process or service that creates customer centric value. Innovation comes in many different ways.

How we look into innovation
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Sustainability has always been a large part of what we do and who we are. That is why we are taking a stance on sustainability by telling the story of what it means to us.

Our sustainability program

Ravago News

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RAVAPOL Spray Polyurethane Systems

Have you seen 'RAVAPOL Spray Polyurethane Systems', which creates the "Ravago Effect on Every Area of Life" and is part of the Ravago PU Business Unit?

Thermal Insulation with Spray Polyurethane: Liquid polyurethane foam sprayed by a high-pressure spray foaming machine can cover the surface seamlessly.

  • RAVAPOL Spray Polyurethane eliminates thermal bridges completely.
  • RAVAPOL Spray Polyurethane blows up 30-40 times its own volume in a few seconds and becomes polyurethane foam.
  • It is one of the best thermal insulation materials thanks to its free rise density of 25 kg/m³ and very low thermal conductivity.

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